Stevens Plains Chapter
All categories of Membership are $20.00.
Dues are payable by November 1st, but no later than December 31st.
Chapter Overview

The Stevens Plains Chapter is located in southern Maine in the Kennebunk/Portland area. We hold ten meetings per year in every month except July and August. Many of our meetings take place in the Biddeford studio of one of our members, but we also take field trips and meet with Strawbery Banke Chapter in Merrimac, MA once or twice a year. Where feasible, meetings are offered both in-person and via zoom. Our Christmas party is a much-anticipated annual event. We are a lively group and we welcome new members!
Past workshops include floor cloths, pinprick watercolor portraits, tinsel painting, illuminated letters, reverse glass painting, country painting, and fraktur as well as occasional “out of the paint box” decorative arts such penny rugs and needlefelting. Through classes and workshops, we have teachers available to instruct in country painting, reverse glass painting, gold leaf, stenciling and much more.